The New Little Stars!

We introduce you new little Stars of inclusive team «Happy Hearts».
Alisa, Liza, Misha — they are dancers in the wheel-chairs. The wheel-chairs are their tool to be sportsmen, to see the world and to move to their goals.
Alisa is such a little airy-fairy. Dancing helps her to become more confident and to show her power to the world. Her little heart is skipping a beat before a performance on the stage during a host's speach... So, the wheels are moving… Thousands of eyes are looking at her beauty, her soul is singing as she is happy...
Liza is a very warm-hearted girl. Performing means an opportunity to dance in beautiful outfits on the stage for her. She is not afraid to perform at all, she enjoys the process. Our little Star faces difficulties while moving, but the strength of her spirit and her desire to be an independent person helps her to go through all the obstacles.
Misha has a very strong sense of respoinsibility, because he represents his country in inclusive dance competitions. He, probably, will never be able to catch his dance mate during the performance, but he will easily revolve his tiny partner around with the help of a sport wheel-chair. Dances is the way of expression for our little gentleman and a wheel-chair is only a tool.
Our wonderful Stars dance using their wheel-chairs, but special sport type wheel-chairs will help them to get more opportunities to express themselves in dance art. Dancing is their live, they move to their goals while dancing. We start the New Year fundraising program in the sum of 3600 Euro to support our little Stars on their way to dreams and goals.

Many Thanks to Kate for her helping in translation

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Tallinn, Estonia
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Vladislav Loginov